Our Board of Directors

Besides actively supporting our programs & activities, the members or our Board of Directors participate in monthly meetings of the board at SU’s Lubin House in NYC to report, plan, arrange, assess and strategize together, all on behalf of Leadership & Public Service High School.

Our members include SU alumni volunteers, other volunteers, staff from LPSHS – including the Principal, Assistant Principals, a Teacher and a Guidance Counselor — as well as several representatives from Syracuse University – including an English Professor from the SU School of Education and the SU Director of Admissions for the NY Metropolitan Area.


The Friends of Leadership & Public Service High School

Megan Hickey


Elisabeth Dwyer

Vice President

Joseph Donovan

Finance Director

Michelle Reason

Director of SUMMA

Jerome Ryan

Budget Director

Elysa Wolfe

Development Director

Mathew Mazer

Website Coordinator
Board of Directors

Dick Adelman

A Founder of The Friends

Jordan Feldman

Nancy Girondo

Carolina Ibanez

SUMMA Mentee Coordinator & teacher (LPSHS)

Anthony Igbokwe

Ass’t Principal LPSHS

Fred C. Klein

A Founder of The Friends

Lonnie Morrison

SU Dir. Of Admissions for the NY Metro area

Jane W. Present

Past President, a Founder of The Friends

Tony Philips

Victoria Regina

SUMMA Mentee Coordinator & Guidance Counselor (LPSHS)

Joan Robinson

Philip Santos

Principal LPSHS

Ruth Schlesinger Sherman

Immediate Past President

Donald Schupak

Founder of LPSHS, an honorary member

Louise Wilkinson

Professor of English at SU SOE

Corey Karsch Tendler

Karen Au Frank

Katherine Black